-the perfect work out pants
-the perfect Zumba shoe
-the perfect running shoe
-and the ultimate, the un-attainable, the perfect sports bra.
I have found one or a variety of most of the above items. Some I am still in search of...some I fear (ahem, bra, I'm talking to you) I will never be completely happy with. Such is life. Se la vie.
La vie.
Hardy har.
Anyway I digress. Here are some of my favorites:
*Disclaimer-I am a cheapy. I teach, I am single, therefore I do not have a disposable income on which to spend untold fortunes on workout clothes. So for you bargain shoppers or people on a budget-enjoy!
Work Out Pant
I have tried a blue million. Old Navy's are ok but tend to fall down and I HATE constantly having to tug my pants up while exercising. I sometimes wear yoga style capri pants but lately I have become a big fan of fitted capris-maybe not the most attractive but they stay up and compress any unsightly jiggling...mostly. My two picks are:
Danskin Now Performance Capri-Available at Wal-Mart ($10-$12)
Xersion Fitted Athletic Capris-Available at JC Penney ($10-$20)

Both of these pants are on sale often.
Zumba Shoe
I started doing Zumba in a pair of Nike Musiques that the instructor recommended and they are great-an essential thing in a Zumba shoe is a pivot point on the ball of your foot. But when I had danced all the cushion out of these shoes I started looking for something new. And found these:
Kelly Ripa Collection Ryka Transition Shoe-Available at www.amazon.com (price varies)
These have the pivot point but are not strictly a dance shoe. I have done boot camp in them and have run in them-they are comfy for both. They are really lightweight which is great. When I bought them I got them for around $50 which was about $20-$30 cheaper than what I could find in stores-gotta love Amazon!Running Shoe
I am a Nike lover-always have been, always will be. They just fit my foot best. So for my fellow Nike lovers I offer you:
The Nike Dual Fusion Running Shoe-available pretty much everywhere-price varies
These shoes are SO COMFORTABLE. They are my favorites just to wear and are also really great for running- not to mention they come in a bunch of colors :) Always fun!
Under Armour Micro G Defy Running Shoe-available at www.amazon.com -price varies

These I just bought the other day to try for my 5K and because my Nikes have about had it. They were only $38 at Amazon (tip-when shopping on Amazon always check out the diff colors of an item-this style of this shoe was $38, all the others were $78-worth a try to save yourself several bucks). I've only worn them a few times but really like them-light, very cushioned and comfy.
And so we come to, my nemesis, the sports bra.
Sports Bra
Understand that I am....chesty. Well endowed. Whatever you want to call it-I'm rocking a DD ladies. And I have NEVER, EVER found a bra that contained the girls on its own and believe me I have tried tons. My best solution is to double up. I usually wear a non under wire regular bra from Lane Bryant (the Cacique bras are the bomb for you busty ladies like myself). Then I layer a snug sports bra over that. My fav:
Old Navy Padded Sports Bra-available at www.oldnavy.com - ($10-$15)
So there you have it-my must have run down. If anyone has any work out gear they can't live without, please, do tell. I am thinking about investing in some workout undies-any recommendations? And if anyone has found the miracle sports bra cure-please, please share!!
Happy working out!